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My Beloved Family ~
I've been so emotional and heartbroken today by the current events, and I'm guided to call us together this evening for a Prayer Ceremony & Intel discussion on what is unfolding on the Earth at this time. 🕊
Nehama traveled from Israel to join me in Tahiti only 6 hours before the horrific attack happened in Israel. We realized that Tahiti is on the exact polar opposite Axis of Israel, and this Eclipse is on the astrological Axis of Peace and War...
We've been unraveling such profound insight, and we are guided to gather our Soul Family this evening for Prayers, Ceremony & Intel on what is happening on a higher level at this time.
Let's discuss how to navigate with God's Love and Power in our Heart, and be Active Participants in Co-Creating the Highest Timeline of Heaven on Earth for All. 🙏
Please join us at 8pm EDT... 🌹
Your love, peace & sacred heart is needed now 😘
(More Information Below)
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The Israel-Palestine Conflict:
Timeline War Dragon Grid Intel 🐉
Just as the fires in Maui were a direct act of timeline war and control, news of war and deaths in Israel is also an engineered massacre and blood sacrifice. These are direct acts of war on powerful Stargates and Sacred Sites, waged against the Liberation and Ascension of humanity and the Earth. These events generate fear and vibrationally hook humans to lower-density timelines of war, division, and tyranny.
These are the most pivotal times for us to stay resolute and devout to our inner peace, unity, compassion, prayer, gnosis and compass of higher understanding.
All War is intentionally created by anti-christ forces as weaponry for mass blood sacrifice, ritual, money laundering, stargate inversion, and timeline manipulation and control. Conflict, separation, and bi-wave consciousness block the flowering of Divine Union. It is the antithesis of Christ and Unity Consciousness, and a Poison which blocks human connection from God on many levels.
Notice how we are encouraged to further divide and affirm conflict. We must not “pick a side” and “stand with” anyone but the Whole of Humanity and Peace for the Earth.
This Eclipse is giving us the opportunity to Anchor God’s Eternal Peace, and perform an Alchemical Ceremony of Absolute Over-Ride and Transmutation of war, separation, and enslavement.
Since May I have received visions and instructions for my journey to Tahiti at this time. This morning the one Angel who planned to join us in person during the Eclipse synchronously came directly from Israel.
The exact opposite Axis Pole of Israel (and the Giza Pyramid complex), perfectly on the other side of the Earth, is the French Polynesia Islands. 🤯
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The Dragon represents the ONE Cosmic Body, Architecture, Knowledge and Creation Power of Christ: the perfect Union of Mother-Father God. It is the Universal Tree of Life. Everything the demonic archon forces tries to do is usurp, invert and hijack this Creational Power through nefarious means.
There’s long been a war over the control and ownership of the Dragon Creation Templar System - but this war is coming to an End. The Template Over-rides are being activated, and the Key is Love, Devotion & Reverence to All of Creation. The Beast can never have the Power of the Dragon, because the Dragon is the Creation, and it Belongs to God and Only God.
The 144000 Dragon Timekeepers 🐉
Dragon Timekeeper DNA Codons allow Starseeds (the 144000) to access and activate the Timeline Creation & Guardianship capabilities of the Emerald Dragon Body aka the Master Dragon Lines.
The High Angelic Seraphim lineages were the progenitors of the Leyline system, which is much more than just pathways of energy flow. Leyline and energetic structures are conduits of consciousness, timelines, memory and multi-dimensional realities.
To create a Higher Timeline Reality, we must first create a new Energetic Structure. This new Leyline system is the FailSafe and the Conduit for Heaven on Earth timelines of the Emerald Covenant seeded at the Dawn of Creation.
What this all means is that our Eclipse Dragon Timekeeper Activation Gridwork Event is divinely orchestrated to stream from the direct opposite Axis Pole of Israel, and we are performing a planetary Over-Ride through Divine Union Alchemy and the Total Activation of the Master Dragon Lines with the most powerful Magic of All: Love, Devotion and Reverence for God and All of Living Creation.
The anti-dote to a phantom timeline of war, separation, and enslavement is the Restoration of the Eternal Living Song of God’s Infinite Peace, Love, Power and Wisdom.
Our 144000 Timekeeper Codons allow us to open the floodgates for this work, but we all must step up and activate our higher power Now.
There are different dimensional timelines unfolding, yet only One will become the ultimate reality on Earth. What we are anchoring on behalf of Creation during the Ring of Eclipse is the Highest Heaven on Earth timelines for All.
We are calling forth the 144000 Angelic Dragon Timekeepers to embark on this alchemical ceremony of Divine Union and Cosmic Activation. 🙏 |
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Life Changing Testimonials 🌹
" This medicine container and Xi's teachings have the ability to completely transform someone's life. I have been working on myself for 41 years using many modalities, I was more than impressed with Xi's knowledge and loving wisdom and the tools she gave us. She has a natural ability to guide with pure loving transparent integrity. I felt so held and safe in the space with Xi. Healing occurred on all levels, and I have so many new tools, feel more grounded in my body, and trust myself on a much deeper level because of this course. "
" This was a deep and profound circle of awakening and healing that could not have been done without a consistently powerful container and presence as created, nurtured, loved, and guided by Xi. I have never experienced anything like it in terms of non-verbal transmissions and energetics. This journey gave me greater compassion and reverence for life and led to a greater commitment to my sense of purpose and mission. "
" This is the most transformative course I have ever done. If you are ready to dive into your shadow/night self and come out the other side a divine creator being - seriously - Xi is your guide! "
" This course was exactly what I needed to reconnect with my creative energy and move forward in creating my future. I had been stuck due to a history of PTSD, and this course was a major catalyst for me to move forward with ease and grace. I highly recommend this to anyone who is looking to learn but also to heal on exactly the level you and your body needs to move forward with creating from your divine feminine. "
" A very safe and potent container, filled with so much unconditional love, sacred knowledge, transmissions, activations, and clearings. Xi’s ability to tap into the collective field of the group is phenomenal. She holds us safe and strong while weaving the healing energy through the field. It is like being in a sacred ceremony. " |
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